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Four-year-old Quarter horse's incisors

incisor teeth before dentistry

This quarter horse mare was either kicked in the teeth or ran into something about 1 1/2 years ago! This is the view of her front teeth before any dental correction. Note the overgrown lower incisor invading the space of the damaged and shifted upper incisor.

In this video, note how the overgrown middle incisor rides along the edges of the upper ones. This excess length prevents smooth jaw movement and is preventing her back teeth from coming in to occlusion (connection for chewing) normally. Note the distance the jaw has to move before you can see separation between the upper and lower incisors.

incisor teeth after dentistry

This picture is taken after I made adjustments to her front teeth. Note I removed approximately 3 mm of overgrowth from the lower incisor, as well as made smaller adjustments at the corners. Since her first upper permanent incisor may never grow correctly, she should be seen at least once a year to keep her teeth straighter. Without adjustments, she would end up with more and more severe issues with eating and develop whole-body stiffness due to inhibited jaw movement. It may help to remove the small tooth fragment on the top...I'll be watching for changes in that, too.

Note in this video the smoother movement of the jaw and how the incisors separate sooner. This indicates her back teeth coming in to optimal occlusion. This freedom of jaw movement translates to comfortable chewing AND helps her navigate right and left more smoothly with her body.


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